
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

There's a New Moon on the Horizon...

MoonSo I finally went out and bought the New Moon soundtrack today and as I sit here and type this, I'm listening to it's sweet sounds for the first time.Music I am in love. The movie comes out one month from today. That seems like forever and tomorrow at the same time. The Twilight soundtrack did not leave my car CD player for 7 months straight and I have a feeling the same will be true about this CD. I am too excited to see how the songs are incorporated into the movie. November 20th, hurry up and get here!!Waiting
[P.S. The poster that is made of the CD paper is amazing. Just in case you hadn't pulled it out yet and looked...I'll see if I can get a picture of it and put it up here....]

Thursday, October 15, 2009

When I turned on the news this afternoon and saw the image at left on the TV screen, I assumed a UFO had finally landed and our government had allowed the public to see it.Alien Unfortunately it was just some random project a strange family in the midwest had made and their 6 year old son had apparently taken off in it. It's a balloon, people. A BALLOON. *sigh* Anyway, they inspected the balloon and saw not the boy. There was an intense man hunt or in this case, boy hunt, and they finally found the attic of his house, hiding. I was so disappointed that there was no UFO that I almost didnt care when they found the boy safe. Pouty

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Beginning...Again.

WavingWell then. I used to have a blog, waaaaay back in the day.Wow I've never really understood these things. But hey, I'm willing to give it another try. I suppose this will become my little place to rant about random stuff.Mad And when I say random, folks, you have NO idea how random I mean...but you will see, oh yes, you will see....Roll