
Thursday, April 5, 2012

People Who Tailgate

I would like to take a moment to pay tribute to the ass hats who tailgate. You all believe that by riding on the back bumper of the car in front of you, you will magically get there faster. Truth be told, I used to be one of you. Then I almost killed someone when I rear ended her. I was not tailgating at the time (I have a golden retriever trying to climb into the passenger seat). Nonetheless, I was not only cured of my tailgating ways, but I get thoroughly pissed off when I see tailgating take place.
The reason for this sudden emergence of blog? The other night I was on my way home from a friend's house and as I approached the last traffic light prior to my turn to go to my house, I happened to look in my rear-view mirror. What do I see but the rims of the headlights of the ass wipe who is LITERALLY less than one inch off of my back bumper. Now were I to have no care for my car, or if I had a rubber bumper to protect my back bumper, I would have slammed on my breaks and backed over their sorry asses. Instead, I did the slightly bitchy thing and slowed to a complete stop before turning. What do these fuckfaces do? They BEEP THEIR HORN at ME! These dirt eating cows had the audacity to beep at me when clearly they were the ones who should have been beeped at. But I regress...
There is nothing more enraging to a driver (especially at night) than to look behind them and see some jerkoff riding their ass. The only thing that could make the situation AMAZINGLY worse is if the fuckfaces have their brights on. At this point, I feel that stopping the car, getting out and punching the driver in the cunt/ball is entirely reasonable behavior. I would not do so because knowing my luck I would be faced with a very muscular or very large person...I would lose.

So if you are an ass-riding fucker, please heed my advice and FUCK OFF. Thanks!