
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Late night thoughts on senior year…

After turning in my last assignments of the semester today, I was left with a feeling of foreboding. This has never happened before and the sense of relief I usually feel at this point has yet to emerge. This winter break is going to be very stress-free except for my GRE which I will be taking on January 11. I wish I could say I'm excited to take that test because it will be the last standardized test I have to take in my life but alas the preparation for it is going to be hell on earth. Therefore I don't feel like this winter break is going to feel like a break at all. I feel that January 20 is going to sneak up on me and my last semester as an undergraduate well begin all too soon. Still I am able to reflect right now on everything I've accomplished and how far I've come. I find it hard to believe that my education journey is a mere year and a half from being over. I never thought these moments would come, but I embrace them with the weary soul of someone who has spent the past almost 18 years of her life in school.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Ramblings of a True College Senior

So the other night my now fiance, Nate, mentioned that he ran across this blog. My latest was quite something, huh?
Alas, I do not come bearing any rants because quite frankly I'm sick. Have been since Thursday. Blah. Oh, and the fact that I'm ONE SEMESTER away from GRADUATING COLLEGE. No big, right? =D
Ok, admittedly I still have another year after this, but seriously guys, I have been waiting for this time in my life for 17 ish years.

2012 should have, for most reasons, sucked. Hard.
I lost the most wonderful, precious person in my life on June 11th. Pinky was a golden retriever that my family got when she was 7 weeks old. I was almost 9. She was the best friend I will ever have and I will miss her every day for the rest of my life. I would not have made it to the peaceful place in my life without her undying unconditional love. I still feel her in every fiber of my heart and soul. She will forever be a part of me and that gives me the comfort and strength to move on with my life. Her last month was truly the only time in her life where she was anything but happy and healthy. I fought with everything in me to fix her, to save her. She saved me so many times in so many ways that I owed her nothing less than everything I had to make everything better. But in the end, it was not enough. The only thing that made it better let her go. At least, physically. I grew up with Pinky and because of that, I did not spend as much time with her as I should have. I thought for the longest time that when she died I would be over ridden with guilt of this but surprisingly, I am not. I am overly greatful for every single moment she and I shared. I will never be able to put into words what that last month with her meant. I knew deep down inside that she was slipping away and I took the time that last few weeks to take in every single detail, every moment, every breath she took and cheerish them before she was gone. Those memories will remain in my heart for as long as I live too. She will live on. On the day she died, I promised her I would never forget her, and I won't. I couldn't even if I wanted to. She was utterly unforgettable.

Anyway, enough of that crying junk.
Nate and I got engaged February 22nd. Only took him 5 1/2 years! ; )
I love him so much. Secretly, I think he loves me too... hehe.

And then...then there was the summer. Holy. Mother. Of. God.
Ally and I created a beautiful monster. Muahahahaha.
This summer was by far the best I have ever had. Ever. Even as a kid. EVER. It was the last summer where Ally, Alexa and I will be able to genuinely have one for a while and boy did we make the most of it. How none of us ended up in police custody, I will never know.
I'd say none of us ended up in the hospital, but silly Ally and her terrible luck....haha. Not from alcohol, folks, from...being Ally. Poor thing. =(
But yes, alcohol was involved. A LOT of alcohol. My 22nd birthday is still a dark blur. >_<

I am almost done with my second to last fall semester EVER. Two weeks and A LOT of work and I will be one semester from graduation. It is a sweet feeling. Not anywhere near as sweet as it will feel one year from now when that bright light at the end of my educational tunnel will be blinding me!

All is caught up. Hope you aren't too bad off either, dear reader.

It's a Beautiful World. Go Out and Enjoy It!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

People Who Tailgate

I would like to take a moment to pay tribute to the ass hats who tailgate. You all believe that by riding on the back bumper of the car in front of you, you will magically get there faster. Truth be told, I used to be one of you. Then I almost killed someone when I rear ended her. I was not tailgating at the time (I have a golden retriever trying to climb into the passenger seat). Nonetheless, I was not only cured of my tailgating ways, but I get thoroughly pissed off when I see tailgating take place.
The reason for this sudden emergence of blog? The other night I was on my way home from a friend's house and as I approached the last traffic light prior to my turn to go to my house, I happened to look in my rear-view mirror. What do I see but the rims of the headlights of the ass wipe who is LITERALLY less than one inch off of my back bumper. Now were I to have no care for my car, or if I had a rubber bumper to protect my back bumper, I would have slammed on my breaks and backed over their sorry asses. Instead, I did the slightly bitchy thing and slowed to a complete stop before turning. What do these fuckfaces do? They BEEP THEIR HORN at ME! These dirt eating cows had the audacity to beep at me when clearly they were the ones who should have been beeped at. But I regress...
There is nothing more enraging to a driver (especially at night) than to look behind them and see some jerkoff riding their ass. The only thing that could make the situation AMAZINGLY worse is if the fuckfaces have their brights on. At this point, I feel that stopping the car, getting out and punching the driver in the cunt/ball is entirely reasonable behavior. I would not do so because knowing my luck I would be faced with a very muscular or very large person...I would lose.

So if you are an ass-riding fucker, please heed my advice and FUCK OFF. Thanks!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

After yet another long absence....

So. I for some reason felt like blogging. New York legalized Gay Marriage on Friday. Now, for the record, I am straight, but I have friends who I've been close to for a long time that are gay. I support the rights of all people to love freely and be able to achieve the same goals as everyone else. In the past, I have had to play the devil's advocate on topics such as this and I can see the other side's point of view. Many devout religious people do not believe in homosexuality based on the teachings of the bible. I have always been one to not take the bible so literally, but for those who do, I can understand why they would see homosexuality as unnatural since the bible does state that marriage should only be between a man and a woman. However, the times since the bible was written have changed. In addition, I believe in a God who loves unconditionally and wants each of us to lead lives that are fulfilling and joyful. This includes people who love the same sex.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Long Time No See and Such...

So the blog bug hasn't been biting me lately. Between work, college and everything else in the life of a college kiddo, blogging seems to have taken to the back burner...sigh. Posts to follow?

Monday, October 11, 2010

Ahh, the life of a college girl...

So my classes at Radford University have entirely consumed my soul. Well, not entirely...there's still the big piece that God has and theres the other parts that Nate has. But I digress. I'm amazingly being able to keep my head above the ocean of papers, projects, and quizzes/tests that I've been enduring over the past month and a half. I love college. I'm entirely ready to be done with it, but I am loving it while I'm here. I almost ALMOST wish I'd gotten a dorm on campus...again, I must reiterate ALMOST. Still glad I didnt.
So yesterday was me and Nate's 4 year annniversary. Yeah. We began dating October 10th, 2006. Insane, I know. If we weren't so young, yesterday would have been our wedding day because it was 10/10/10 and that would have been just perfectly awesome. But oh day...
In other news, fall has arrived in Virginia. If you've ever been in Virginia this time of year, especially if you haven't, you must come/return!! There is nowhere else I'd rather be at this time of year (except maybe Vermont...I hear they have excellent falls...) than Southwest Virginia. The trees are changing and the mountains are going from their typical blue look to amazing variations of orange, yellow, red, and brown. It is indeed a sight to see. Especially, I hear, from the Blue Ridge Parkway. Hopefully this year Nate and I will get up there to see for ourselves...
Halloween is right around the corner already!! If you didn't know, it's definitely my favorite holiday. I don't know why. Maybe it's the colors, maybe its the spookiness, or maybe it's my recently new love for horror movies [I like seein people get cut up...*shrugs*] but alas, I love it all. I've already bought and received my costume...I'm going to be a 1920's Flapper and I'm still in the process of talking Nate into being a gangster with me. hehe...we'll see.
I've been given the opportunity this semester to work in a daycare center in Blacksburg and it has reassured me that I'm in the right department for a career because I love what I'm doing there. I'm actually hoping to get a position there shortly and QUIT SUBWAY!!! Yeah. I hate that place sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much. So much.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Here We Go, Folks....

Back-to-School JokeI will be sitting in classes beginning Monday.Studying I'm so excited to be going back to class and I feel like such a nerdNerd...even though I know after about...oh...2 weeks I'll be totally sick of it and begging for winter break.Daycare Haha. Maybe not. Radford University is going to be a totally new beginning for me so maybe I'll really be looking forward to classes a month from now...time will tell.
Backyard poolIn the mean time, let's take a moment to stop and enjoy the last weeks/days/hours/minutes of summer.In The Pool It's that time of year where you look back to late May and wonder where the summer really went.On The Hammock Yet, at the same time, that distinct fall air is slowly creeping into the wind.Leaf A few trees in town have already started changing their leaves...kind of crazy if you ask me.Fall Colors

Sleeping Kitty On MonitorOn a totally unrelated (kind of) note, Nate found a kitten in the parking lot of Chick-Fil-A 2 days ago.Kitty 1 His parents won't let him keep it.Kitty I can't either because my parentals don't want a cat either.Kitty 2 I'm pretty much in love with her and wish like crazy I had my own place so I could just adopt her.Kitty 5 Her name, for now anyway, is Sassaphrass...Nate came up with it...I don't know.Cat She's been determined by a vet to be about 14 weeks old and in great shape.Cat 2 She was apparently hand-fed (her owners fed her a bottle) so she's a very people-y person.Cat 4 If you put her down she'll meow and cry until you love on her some more.Cat 5 She's staying with my friends right now and I'm doing everything I can to get her a great home with lots of love.Cat 6 I wish more than anything I could take her in, however.Cat 7 Every time I'm around her, even when she's climbing on my shoulders and headrest as I drive, I feel this pull, like I'm supposed to have her in my life...somehow...I'll keep updates as they are warranted....Cat 10

For now, PeacePeace LoveValentine heart cloud and BlessingsDove 1
~Miss Leah