
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Ramblings of a True College Senior

So the other night my now fiance, Nate, mentioned that he ran across this blog. My latest was quite something, huh?
Alas, I do not come bearing any rants because quite frankly I'm sick. Have been since Thursday. Blah. Oh, and the fact that I'm ONE SEMESTER away from GRADUATING COLLEGE. No big, right? =D
Ok, admittedly I still have another year after this, but seriously guys, I have been waiting for this time in my life for 17 ish years.

2012 should have, for most reasons, sucked. Hard.
I lost the most wonderful, precious person in my life on June 11th. Pinky was a golden retriever that my family got when she was 7 weeks old. I was almost 9. She was the best friend I will ever have and I will miss her every day for the rest of my life. I would not have made it to the peaceful place in my life without her undying unconditional love. I still feel her in every fiber of my heart and soul. She will forever be a part of me and that gives me the comfort and strength to move on with my life. Her last month was truly the only time in her life where she was anything but happy and healthy. I fought with everything in me to fix her, to save her. She saved me so many times in so many ways that I owed her nothing less than everything I had to make everything better. But in the end, it was not enough. The only thing that made it better let her go. At least, physically. I grew up with Pinky and because of that, I did not spend as much time with her as I should have. I thought for the longest time that when she died I would be over ridden with guilt of this but surprisingly, I am not. I am overly greatful for every single moment she and I shared. I will never be able to put into words what that last month with her meant. I knew deep down inside that she was slipping away and I took the time that last few weeks to take in every single detail, every moment, every breath she took and cheerish them before she was gone. Those memories will remain in my heart for as long as I live too. She will live on. On the day she died, I promised her I would never forget her, and I won't. I couldn't even if I wanted to. She was utterly unforgettable.

Anyway, enough of that crying junk.
Nate and I got engaged February 22nd. Only took him 5 1/2 years! ; )
I love him so much. Secretly, I think he loves me too... hehe.

And then...then there was the summer. Holy. Mother. Of. God.
Ally and I created a beautiful monster. Muahahahaha.
This summer was by far the best I have ever had. Ever. Even as a kid. EVER. It was the last summer where Ally, Alexa and I will be able to genuinely have one for a while and boy did we make the most of it. How none of us ended up in police custody, I will never know.
I'd say none of us ended up in the hospital, but silly Ally and her terrible luck....haha. Not from alcohol, folks, from...being Ally. Poor thing. =(
But yes, alcohol was involved. A LOT of alcohol. My 22nd birthday is still a dark blur. >_<

I am almost done with my second to last fall semester EVER. Two weeks and A LOT of work and I will be one semester from graduation. It is a sweet feeling. Not anywhere near as sweet as it will feel one year from now when that bright light at the end of my educational tunnel will be blinding me!

All is caught up. Hope you aren't too bad off either, dear reader.

It's a Beautiful World. Go Out and Enjoy It!

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