
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Obama's Plan for Afghanistan

I have to admit that the comic you see at right is pretty much how I think Bush viewed the past 8 years. Even though I was only 10 years old when he was elected into office, I knew he was not someone I wanted as my president. Sure, he kept us from being attacked by terrorists for 7 years, I will give him props for that, but his decisions about how we responded to 9/11 I feel were unnecessarily ignorant.Ribbon At first it seemed like we were going to Afghanistan to get the "bad guys". Everyone loved his decision on that part and were willing to go over there are fight...but then, oh boy, Mr. Bush got a little Nuke crazy and decided that Iraq had nuclear weapons and must be taken out immediately. ParachuteI think what most people, at least my age, don't realize is that his father couldn't get Sadam Hussein so Bush felt that he had to finish what his daddy started 10 years before. Iraq had not a damn thing to do with the attacks that killed some 3,000 Americans, and yet, we invaded and took out Sadam. Now before I go further, I want to say that I think taking Sadam out was a very good thing. This man tortured and murdered his people for decades and for us to capture, try, and hang him I feel is justice. But, I feel that President Bush was not thinking straight. He should have been focused on the matter at hand, Al-Queda. Not Iraq and its supposed Nukes. Besides, Iran now has nuclear weapons and they're more of a threat than Iraq ever was. Are we going to invade them and take over their government too?? We're trying to impose our ways on a culture of people who are so opposite of us that I find it hard to believe that we will ever succeed in making the Middle East "democratic". But that's not what I wanted to talk about here.
I am and have always been proud to be a supporter of Barack Obama.Vote Obama I voted for him in 2008 and believe that he was the best man for the job. I worried about McCain's health and God forbid he die and Sarah -I can see Russia from my house where my teenage daughter got knocked up out of wedlock- Palin becoming our president. McCain didn't stand a chance. I feel that over the course of the past year, Obama has done the best he can with the clustermug President Bush left him. People are being so critical about how he's running things and the bills he's passing but you know what? At least he's trying to save our economy. At least he's trying to bring America back to being a revered country instead of a laughing stock that pisses everyone off. President Bush didn't do one damn thing to help our economy. He threw us into a war in Iraq that annually costs us BILLIONS of dollars, not to mention over 3,000 soldiers' lives.
Last night, in his speech to the nation, President Obama laid out his plan for Afghanistan. Finally the troops in Iraq seem to be coming home and the focus of our efforts is going toward the right forces. He wants an additional 30,000 troops in Afghanistan and plans to begin bringing the troops home in the summer of 2011. Truly, I wish we could just pull out of the Middle East altogether and focus on ourselves as we try to fix our economy. Spending money on soldiers overseas is only making the situation worse. Bring them home and let them help out the economy. Unfortunately I know its not that simple. I know that if we simply pulled out right now, chaos would ensue and who knows what would happen. So I guess we're kinda stuck over there, at least Obama has a plan laid out and is taking action to do what needs to be done and get us the heck outta there.
Of course, this is only my opinion.

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